Dancing at the Disco.
Dark winter nights. The church stands
proud at the top of the square, cloaking in secrecy and smothering the
sound of the good times beneath. The crypt, twirling disco lights,
coke cans and cigarettes.
Moms and Dads driving 'cross town with
cars jam-packed full of gorgeous giggling girls. Red satin clad legs
with pale cream pumps. Saturday Night Fever was alive and well in
"See you later hon, have fun, stay
together, no dark corners with boys". Hands clasped over mouths,
sniggers erupt into gales of laughter as girls fall over each other in
the scramble to get out of back seats.
"Are you on the list? - Are you on the
list? The boy with a clipboard shouts over heads. Pushing and shoving
past those who are not lucky the doors close behind.
"We are family - I've got all my sisters
in me" and the girls hit the dance floor. Eyes casually glancing in
the direction of the vaulted arches to see if he is there. He is.
Girlfriends ditched - bike shed - kissing in the dark.
Running, running, running, mad tear out
the church gates. "Hi Dad". "Everybody in, seat belts on". "Yeah best
fun, best fun ever.
Alice Woods.
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