While some were busy with the Willie O Dea re-election campaign, another political appeal appeared on some Limerick walls over the last few weeks. This new group 'Movement to save Eire' urged us to join and stop multiculturalism because it was evil. Rather unexpectedly it's very few members include a pole as evidenced by the Polish articles on their site. So presumably some multiculturalism isn't too bad. However, right thinking Limerick people weren't taking any chances with this and as quickly as the posters went up they seemed to come down as well (see photo). More bad news was in store for the right wing duo, as tired of their postering, they decided to meet the people and set up a stall on a Saturday morning. However after less then ten minutes, they abandoned upon receiving a very cold response from the people of Limerick. Considering that this tiny group, according to their blog, also believe that "Sinn Fein Must be Destroyed" ! you would think that they would be prepared for some street battles but seems not. May not be the greatest of threats but be vigilant in case they visit again. For updates keep an eye here.
Bottom Dog
Yeah. Unfortunately there's an extreme right-wing minority among the Poles coming here. Pity.
Posted by: Bock the Robber | April 08, 2007 at 11:18 PM
As native white Irish are forced to leave their soil for North America non white invaders are flowing in taking up living space and creating cheap labor demands . Most are put up in hotels and paid $19 euros a week , free food & lodging . Hey I know a bunch of yanks force into exile that would come back for that amount and they are white .
While the Orish govt wait to process these lovely darlings they run around raping Irish ladies and destroying what we have fought to defend for centuries or genes and land .
Now multi national corporations come into Ireland at the Irish expense with hefty tax breaks and bring in these non white "refugee"seekers . Young Irish will turn out like Americoons dumb , uneducated and dressing like the brotha's .
The Church , state of Ireland are responsible for this mess and need to be put on trial for crimes against their own people . Meanwhile greedy bloodsucking contractors build build build into the ocean using up resources and land causing overcrowding , polloution & enviromental problems for generations to come .
Many will say the Orish are coming back in droves to Ireland . Maybe true . For they are the tax slaves for future non white Ireland .
Also dont give me this crap we went America just as they are coming here . Because many Irish fought in civil wars in America on both sides of the fence and even a far back as the pioneers settlement of America a man named Sheridan from County Cavan took care of the Injuns scalping . raping and killing whites .
Jerry Adams is a scumbag money grubbing dengenerate like his pal Arshole Bono the queer .
Nothing has changed in Ireland the Aristocratic British rule left and the renegade Orish took over thus enslaving their own people . All the years of bloodshed killing each other over eligon while the rulers scam and now look to replace and extermiate
white Irish with their importation of non white to rape and hi jack irish genes .
If I recall from history the Irish were and never had any colonies , ships were never in non white countries to loot , rob & steal . Airplanes are flying into Irish air with non white invaders with the assistance of the govt + EU * Churchs , and a man named Sutherland serves the EU and loves the invasion , he claims we need it for the workfoce to sustain itself . Strange he was involved with British Petrol ( BP ) & and served on THe Bank of England .His resume seems to not mention where he was born nor his background in much detail ? Hidden hand at work perhaps. Most mentioned here are just the beginning of any real Irish patriot to cleanse out lands of these imposters fleecing and robbing us .
Posted by: kevin | April 09, 2007 at 02:03 AM
Are you the crazy californian who posts shite on my site by any chance. I notice you used the american spelling for labour.
incidentally, have you ever been to Limerick, do you know where it is?
And what website did you copy and paste that shite from?
Posted by: squid | April 09, 2007 at 02:50 AM
A message to the good people of Limerick (and elsewhere):
Can you please stop posting stuff here (and on other blogs, including his own (MSI))!
Living in the crack of his arse has been a very miserable experience recently. No offence to Limerick, but I miss home. I wish that he would hurry up and finish with Limerick and just bring us home again. I miss my comforts.
So please, stop encouraging him!
Posting here, or on any other blog that his posters are mentioned on, or on his own blog, is all that is keeping him going.
If you keep taking down his posters you minimise the chances of him making any new friends in Limerick.
But trying to "debate" with him through internet fora makes him believe that he has valid points to debate and makes his "organisation(s)" appear bigger or more important than it/they actually are.
Most of the people posting in support of him are in the UK or the US. Or sometimes he himself posts comments to make it look like he has some supporters in Limerick.
It might make you feel good about yourself, but criticism of David's message only makes him believe that you are being defensive and that you are either naive, brainwashed by the system, or you are actively complicit in some zionist conspiracy to destroy his vision of the world.
So please, resist the temptation to stroke your ego with some incisive or witty comment that you think will win the "debate". Brian is not interested in what his critics have to say, rather what he imagines their hidden agenda to be.
Please do not grant him the attention he so desperately craves.
The more "debate" that goes on in public the greater are his chances of gaining one or two sympathisers. If that happens, you'll be stuck with him in Limerick, and I'll be stuck in Limerick.
If MSI actually becomes an organised group in Limerick, he might try to hand out leaflets on O'Connell Street again (which would be easier to do if he had more people to protect him). He would also try to get his message into the local newspapers. And more posters would be pasted up, and in more areas than at present.
But in order for Brian to make any progress, he needs to be able to get his message out to the public.
So please, for all our sakes, don't make his presence on the internet any greater than he alone can make it: by perpetuating this "discussion", you are only doing his bidding. By taking his bait, you actually become his bait for his bigger fish: possible members for his "movement".
But keep taking down his posters.
The sooner he gets demoralised with this Limerick project, the sooner we can all get back to our normal lives again. I just want to go back home to the Rebel County, so please, no more teasing David or Brian or his "movement".
Thank you,
Posted by: The hair in the crack of David Noone's arse | April 09, 2007 at 06:26 AM
Not the sharpest suit in the wardrobe, by the sound of him.
Posted by: Bock the Robber | April 09, 2007 at 01:35 PM
Encounters- how racism came to Ireland is in the right hand sidebar. Buy it and read it, real historical research at work.
Everyone involved with this site is on holidays or generally away from computers because of the bank holiday. Looking at recent traffic, we have had an explosion of interest in this post, mainly from american based computers. I don't intend interupting up my few days break in beautiful cosmopolitan West Kerry to keep checking back on what bile has been posted from across the Atlantic. Thus comments on this post are closed for now. There is an email address on the page if you want to engage any further. Thanks to those who have commented already.
PS The strange post from Kevin was indeed from an American ip address. Unfortunately, that oft- repeated conservative criticism about the loss of the 3 'r's from modern schooling sometimes makes a lot of sense.
Posted by: Admin | April 09, 2007 at 02:35 PM