Sweet Talk at the Trinity Rooms weds 13 nov
Sweet Talk is a funky design forum instigated by ex Limerick Graphic Design graduate Richard Seabrooke who promotes this travelling design platform in which top designers present their work in sociable settings. As far removed from a school environment as possible, this visit by Sweet Talk to Limerick was held under the Trinity Rooms glitterballs. It was their third visit here and their 30th presentation overall in venues as diverse as New York, Copenhagen, and this years Electric Picnic. The speakers are all successful design practitioners and tonights well attended event allows students and interested hipsters to check whats hot and how these guys go about designing work to make it so. Tonights speakers were Micheal C place from London Creatives Build, Glenn Leyburn, a Belfast based designer and filmaker, and Freelance illustrator Alan Clarke.
All presentations were highly interesting as was the process and concepts behind each body of work. I particularly liked Glenn Leyburns short Beckett style black and while film. Alan Clarke,s illustrations were very popular with tonights crowd, some nice rude greeting cards! and Mike Places polished London posters and atmospheric short film finished the show.
Of course it was quite hard to diligently head home from this glamorous spot which made the early start the following day for the graphics students quite impressive! The Sweet Talk team then held a series of illustration workshops for the department. Working from a set brief the designers supervised second, third, and forth years as they produced a design piece for their own presentation at the end of the day.
All students produced some very impressive work and all concerned agreed it was a successful couple of design days.
Paul Tarpey
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