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is the cat the surprise gift?! Look deadly; any chance of doing a few in blue & gold?

Phil Wade

Yep,Sorch wants to know if Quasi comes with the Tee-shirt..
Lovely pic..


Bagged! Cheers Shane


The cat is not the surprise gift. He is in a special room honing his dj ing talents, a true scratcher, (video to follow).

Ciaran I know this is well late but why would we go with blue and gold, isn't our shade of green perfect for the fighting tipperary man. I think it is a ringer for toomevara colours :-)

Ruth Crean

Hey Shane,
Nice T-shirts!If you ever need a one off special for a prize give away or something, let me know.

I was chatting to Peter the other night and he said I should check out his blog, could you pass on his address please.
BTW I also added you to my links to cool stuff


Shane, apologies for click on this so late.

Considering the average Tipperary-man's view of Toomevara hurlers, green is a definite no!

Look forward to seeing the Championship blue & gold ones come May. you can put me down for one already!

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