Pat Kearney from Rooney auctiooneers made the front page of the Limerick Post at the start of this month with his call for penalties, if the owners of vacant shops did not keep the facades clean. He said "it is embarrassing on walkabouts when confronted with unsightly posters, boarded up units". This is the same Pat Kearney who helped to broker the Opera Centre deal, which led to large numbers of shops on Patrick Street and Ellen Street been boarded up on the promise of a massive redevelopment. In fact it now seems that this promise could lead to those boards been up there for many years.
The difference between the person who flyposts or even tags the boards on Patrick street or Ellen Street and the developers is pretty clear. One recognises that this is a living, breathing city with people passing daily who take note of their surroundings and may indeed engage with their message. The other believes that we are happy to wait, as we pass these buildings that were vibrant hubs of activities for hundreds of years, now sadly shut down and blocked up. They throw up a banner telling us it is coming, keep the boards white, post no bills. Soon we will have a mall with the probably the same names we have seen in every other shopping centre.
It will be ok then.
the old dunnes stores on o'connell st was peeled of any flyers and posters yesterday and given a new coat of white wash, a fresh canvas...
Posted by: peter | April 17, 2009 at 12:22 PM
Very happy to see this issue addressed here...!
I was intrigued by these A2 black and white posters with the picture of a kid. Anyone seen these?
Wonder what/who is behind them...
Posted by: Brigadier JC | April 17, 2009 at 05:06 PM
well said
Those "unsightely posters" covering the vacant units give a clear indication of frequent music/cultural events happening inthe city, which is commonly concieved to be a city lacking in such culture
Posted by: bubblewrap | April 17, 2009 at 08:10 PM
Hi JC,
They are part of an E+va project, if you are in the new wing of the City Art Gallery, you will see a stack of them there. I presume you can take a few away :-)
Posted by: Shane | April 18, 2009 at 12:46 PM
Finally I get an opportunity to thank Pat Kearney and all Limerick auctioneers for the wonderful signs they have mutilated Limerick buildings with since my childhood.
My personal favourite at the moment is the 2 metre square advert hung off the side of Ormston house on Patrick Street letting everyone know Rooney auctioneers are the people to contact about renting the building.
Auctioneers have spent years nailing their own free advertising to every building they possibly can. In fact if you look at the aforementioned building there are two adverts stuck to the inside of the window for a Limerick Leader shopping spree. It is therefore ok for the auctioneers and other parties to advertise but do not put posters on the windows without the auctioneers permission seems to be the message.
Posted by: Niall Bourke | May 04, 2009 at 11:01 AM
I think a better point to be made is the ridiculous amount of local candidate poster boards that are threatening to blacken out the sun. Not one signpost of street lamp is left unmolested. We're force to look at a parade of butt-ugly faces with zero mention of policy or ideal. Lovely.
...I still reckon paste is bad...
Posted by: d OO bs | May 11, 2009 at 11:09 PM
Hi John,
You should acknowledge that some of the candidates DO have policies...
Posted by: Brigadier JC | May 13, 2009 at 02:29 PM