Last Sunday Newstalk covered Limerick in their documentary series urban beauty, urban blight. The emphasis was definitely on the positive with contributions from the likes of Mary Coll, Jon Kenny, Denis Leonard and Shelia Deegan. There was a snappy vox pop bit at the start with people on the street defending the city strongly. Some interesting pointers as to future city direction including a reference to the need to create a real heart to the city and the suffocating issue that is the boundary extension. If you haven't much idea of the citys architectural development or indeed social geography it is worth a listen (click here). Just treat some of the hyperbole for what it is.
The newstalk documentary didn't look at anything much beyond the last thirty years, but there are interesting lessons to be learnt from further back too. Paul Tarpey, myself and the size2shoes duo were amongst a very healthy group of about fifty people who attended a walking tour of the key sites associated with the Limerick Soviet. This month marks the 90th anniversary of the Soviet and Labour historian Dominic Hough will conduct the tour again this Sunday as part of the commemorations. He will be joined by local playwright and actor Mike Finn. Definitely worth an hour of your time. There is also a number of other events happening. Check here for full details.
Sticking with industrial disputes and indeed republicans both of which are intertwined in the Soviet story, RTE recently rebroadcast the fascinating story of the Ferneka plant in Limerick. Interunion disputes, strikes and kidnapping all feature. Listen back here.
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